Sunday, March 3, 2013

New blog, New blog!

This blog was born from a multitude of ideas and efforts; first, my old blog is dying , second, I am loving my honors economics class and want a place to write down all my ideas on how to save the world, and third, because humanity can be disappointing and I want a place to remember what I was thinking and when I was thinking it and hopefully someday realize that the problems of 2013 were solved and the world is happy.

Now to explain why all of those things are worthy of a whole entire blog...

I have another blog.  It's called Defined by the Dance and you can find it here.  It started out as a way to sporadically document my one true passion; dance.  Unfortunately, as you can read about because it's all the last few months' posts have featured, I went and fractured bones in each of my feet and I am no longer allowed to dance (for the time being, I am determined to get back as soon as possible!).  Read the whole story there, I don't think I need to drag that mess onto this blog, but it's been nearly 8 months of brokenness due to misdiagnosis-es on the doctor's end and refusal to be a good patient on my end.  So anyway, without dance in my life the blog kind of doesn't have a point anymore.  Enter new blog.

As far as economics goes, I won't get too far into it right now.  I will tell you that the class is super interesting and I'm really enjoying it.  We have a lot of discussions and we always seem to come up with ideas that could be potential solutions to the state of affairs in the country right now.  Like I said, you'll hear plenty of this later.

And one final thing before I sign off: why did I call this blog "Conservatively Optimistic".  The conservative part comes largely from my political standpoint, my econ teacher always laughs at how conservative my brother and I are, you'll probably see it as I continue to post things.  Then the optimistic at the end is because I think (cautiously) that there is hope for a brighter future.  Not tomorrow, and probably not in a year, but I believe we'll get there someday.

Tata for now,