Monday, April 1, 2013

Not Sleepy Chatter

Let's talk.  It's just after 2 a.m. and I'm not sleepy and it's rather annoying.  so I'm just gonna ramble on until the tiny font and today's country on Pandora put me to sleep.  How's that sound?

 I have find of ideas for this blog but the challenge is actually sitting down to write about them.  You see, I have two large problems getting in my way.  Number one is that I'm a senior in high school and I'm super busy with end of the year stuff as well as various extracurriculars.  Number two is that I have an extreme problem with procrastination.  Like, it's a serious issue.  Oh well.  Nobody is perfect.

I'm super thrilled to be graduating, but I've noticed some things that don't make sense to me.  Most importantly, why is the graduation  ceremony such a big deal to people other than the graduates?  I'll elaborate.  At my school each graduate gets four seat tickets for family and/or friends.  People without tickets are welcome, of course, they just have to stand.  But anyway, I have a twin  brother so my family gets twice the tickets.  Obviously Liam and I don't need a ticket, but three of them will be used by our mom, dad and younger brother.  That leaves five tickets left over, and there honestly isn't anyone else that I want to invite.

Only my dad's mom is still living but we don't see her too often and I don't know what she's planning on doing.  Both of my maternal grandparents are alive, though, and they're being kind of obsessive about it.  We've had some days off due to weather and apparently my pop has been calling the school on a regular basis to keep up with the changing graduation date.  And here's the thing...I don't want them to come!

 Call me heartless, whatever.  My pop really doesn't like me and I'm not his biggest fan either.  My gram means well but she's a lot to handle sometimes (most of the time).  Graduation is supposed to be for me.  My grandparents contributed nothing to my success.  I got where I am today largely by my own inner drive and always with the love and support of my parents.

 So I'm happy to walk across the stadium and collect my diploma (I've actually spent a lot of time debating about whether or not graduation is mandatory.  Finally my mom just asked if I would please do it for her.  So fine, for her) and I'm happy to pose for pictures with people I've known since preschool and will probably never see again come August.  But I'm not going to feel compelled to go home after graduation and hang with my grandparents.  Sorry, not gunna happen.

 Wow this took a negative turn. When I typed the first words of this blog all I could think about is how the self tanner I put on before bed is giving me a headache.  I thought I was going to ramble off about tanning and the tribulations that a pale white, black haired Irish girl faces as summer approaches.  Well.  Apparently 2 a.m. makes me grumpy.

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